About Charlotte

Hi, I'm Charlotte Gush,
I'm a teacher, shaman & Down-to-Earth
Spiritual Mentor.
Shall we start at the end?
Shamanic practice and the animistic view of the world has found its way into all areas of my life. The integration of these living world views and ancient practices have changed my inner and outer landscape in a way I never imagined impossible. I have now dedicated my life to introducing others to the life-changing benefits and blessings of this path which has given me so much. The current form of my work included Shamanic Healing, Spiritual Mentoring and 'A Call to Remembering' Shamanic Apprenticeship.
However, it wasn't always this way...
Like many people, for years I lived in the dark. The lack of meaning in these times forced me, through illness and emotional challenges, to find something more. I was hungry for a soul-nourishing life… with dedication, research and a thousand pointers from my higher-self I ventured down the road of re-remembering the truth of being human.
During these early years, I sat in the company of mediums, clairvoyant development circles, attended spiritualist churches, investigated tarot, interspersed by inadvertently leaving my body, grappling with pre-cognitive dreams, all while being afflicted by a strange foreboding! I meditated, randomly managing to invite numerous unwanted guests, all while reading voluminously of books pertaining to all manner of philosophies!
This somewhat academic & eclectic explorations in spirituality taught me a great deal; everything I had learned up till then, of course, was useful in its own way. But none of those practices, modalities, or philosophies were really me — they only represented aspects of my experience. I eventually conceded that “qualifications” in the conventional sense were never going to be a substitute for felt sense, lived experience and the wisdom of my own heart. I stopped reading the philosophies and stories of others in an effort to discover my own.
Along the way I handed over many treasured aspects of myself to the flames: relationships, behaviours, beliefs, old stories, defence mechanisms. At each stage of surrender there were fears & tears but with each release something valuable and beautiful came into the space created by trusting myself and intuitively following the thread where it led me.
That was when my awakening and conscious journey truly began…having committed, I dug into my centre, began to weave my own way and my own web…. my deeper intuitive knowing told me I had hit upon something especially important at that moment in my life… I had begun to trust myself and my connection to the deep unseen pool of ancient wisdom -giving me self-confidence and belief that I had something to share with others through teaching and writing...
Eventually I found this path to an ever-expanding ancient body of earth-based medicine practices for the soul. I undertook training for several years with the international shamanic school The Four Winds Society in the UK and Europe, which eventually led me to the Amazon rainforest and the Andes including Machu Picchu. This pilgrimage and my willingness to die to my old self is one of many processes that transformed my medicine into what it is today.
Since my initiations by both teachers & spirit I have taken my metaphoric 'place at the fire' as a teacher & shaman. Now, the core of my work has been guiding others on the path of sacred experience and authentic, soul-centric engagement with their inner lives – bringing healing to themselves and their unique gifts forward in service to the world...and I am forever grateful!