This lovingly crafted DVD contain TWO short film series demonstrating how to use shamanic tools and practices in everyday life.
Working with nature in this way is peaceful and healing. Through these process you will learn to work with Mother Natures and her healing energies just a the shaman have done for generations.
This is a great time of year to get out into the countryside, garden, park, beach or even window-box and work with the gifts of nature
Series 1
- The Power of Ceremony
- Opening & Closing Sacred Space
- Opening & Closing the Viraccocha (Working with 8th Chakra)
- Fire Breathing (Powerful Cleansing of the Energy Field)
- Altar Building
- Sand Painting (Earth Mandalas)
- Sacred Fire (The power of working with the flames)
Series 2
- Stone Medicine - Returning that which no longer serves to the elements
- Herb Work - Smudge Sticks and Identification
- Decoupling (Disengaging the Fight or Flight Reflex - Naturally returning to calmness)
- Little Death Breathing (Shifting consciousness - opening up to the unseen world)
Shamanic Tools & Practices (DVD)